Source: Be healthy today; be healthy for life
Good food habits serve to be in shape, for feeling better, to know what you should eat and shouldn't. When we are eating we have to know how to eat and what to eat in order to obtain the best part from the food.
Some food habits are:
1. Always eat breakfast
Breakfast is the most important food of the day because we haven't eaten for a long time so it gives us energy enough to start the day.
2. Eat your fruit and vegetables
Eating fruits and vegetables everyday gives us nutrients. They are the best way to get proteins, calcium and fiber.
3. Plan your healthy shopping
It serves because with a plan we can know what we must eat and helps our body. If we don't have a healthy plan shopping we will buy food that won't help our body.
4. Pay attention to portion size and ingredients
Source: American Diabetes Association
If we take care about the ingredients we can know if the food has any chemicals or bad components that affects our body. The correct portion size is important because sometimes we eat so much something that we shouldn't (even when it is healthy food), portions give us the exact quantity of food.
5. Keep hydrated
Source: Homeopathy Positive
The water is the 60% of our body so that we must care the levels of water that we drink.
6. Take the time to eat
We should take the time to eat because we have to chew good the food to avoid we choke on with it, and sometimes we don't get all the nutrients from the food if we don't pay attention to this. Also when we are eating we must stop doing other activities at the same time like watching TV or something like this.
7. Don't forget eat at time
The body is like a clock that tells us the time we should eat, we have to eat 5 times a day so if we don't eat at time we forget some meals thus we feel bad.
8. Change to healthy cooking methods
Sometimes the food is very spicy so if we look for other methods to cook we can change the seasoning for another that won't be bad for our body. Change to healthy cooking methods means to change the way we cook. For example it is better to cook chicken in the oven than in fryer.
9. Buying local food
When the food is imported we don't know what can that have, it could have chemicals that can produce illness that are bad for our health. Local food is more natural and clean from bad chemicals.
10. Keep away from fast-food and soft-drinks
Source: Health Diet Advice
This kind of food has a lot of fats that are bad for our heart and body. The fast-food and soft-drinks have ingredients that make our body addicted to them, so then we can stop to eat these.